The research study is started from the climb-down of performance appraisal result on second quarter of 2012, 2013, and 2014 as well as the increasing of loss of Ipsos International, which is predicted that the most contribution of loss is coming from PT. Ipsos Indonesia. Therefore, the researcher conducted a research study regarding employee’s performance of PT. Ipsos Indonesia. This research is in accordance to theory that is developed by Hiiemäe, 2012. There are five variables that are used by researcher, which are, Goal Clarity, Motivation, Work Environment, Job Training, and Reward Management. The purpose of this research is to know the influence of Goal Clarity, Motivation, Work Environment, Job Training, and Reward Management toward Employee’s Performance of PT. Ipsos Indonesia partially and simultaneously. The population of this research is the employees of PT. Ipsos Indonesia. The sample size of the population, which is being surveyed is as much as 87 respondents consist of permanent employees of PT. Ipsos Indonesia by using the simple random sampling. At the end, the result of this research is all independent variable, which consist of goal clarity, motivation, work environment, job training, and reward management simultaneously has significant influence toward employee’s performance in PT. Ipsos Indonesia. However, partially there are only three dependent variables that have significant influence toward employee’s performance of PT. Ipsos Indonesia, which are, motivation, work environment, and reward management, while the other two variables don’t have any significant influence toward employee’s management of PT. Ipsos Indonesia, which are goal clarity and job training. Therefore, the researcher recommends PT. Ipsos Indonesia to give more concern on these three factors, which are motivation, work environment, and reward management by evaluating the current system and improving the system in order to increase employee’s performance, which will also affect the increasing the revenue of PT. Ipsos Indonesia.