Shampoo, it is not a product that can be categorized as primary products, but in
line with the changing of times people needs to always lookclean and neat, it makes shampoo into one body care commodities that is sought by people. This research is based on the competitive conditions of shampoo industries in Indonesia, where Sunsilkbrand share decline that occurs can be an indication that its performance and strength of its brand is decreasing. In this case, the object of research that was observed is Sunsilk shampoo. Variables used in this research are Brand Image (X1), Perceived Quality (X2), and Celebrity Endorsement (X3) towards Consumer Buying Decision (Y). The data are collected by distributing questionnaires to 135 consumer of Sunsilk shampoo. The researcher used quantitative analysis includes validity and reliability test, classical assumption and multiple linear regression to test the hypothesis through the T-test and F-test and coefficient of determination (R2). T-test Result is proving that three independent variables have significant impact towards consumer buying decision. The F-test result is proving that all variable used in this research is simultaneously having significant impact towards consumer buying decision. From the adjusted R2 test show the 0.751 indicates that 75.1% the dependent variable are impact by independent variables, while 24.9% are impacted by other factors.