This research wassupported by thebehaviorof consumersresulting fromthe ads
thatarearoundus. This study focused onOreoproductsinJababeka. As for the
problem with this research is, “Are the Advertising (audience reach, audience
engagement with content, audience attentiveness and responsiveness, friends and
family environment) affect customer decision for Oreo new advertising in
Jababeka. This research tried to determine the factors that impact
consumerbehavior to the Oreo products, especially on how they eat Oreo at
Jababeka. The purpose of this research to analyze the effect of Audience Reach
(X1), Audience Engagement with Content (X2), Audience Attentiveness and
Responsiveness (X3), and Friends and Family Environment (X4) to Consumer
Behavior (Y).In this study, data were collected through questionnaires to 200
Oreo consumers using simple random sampling method to determine the
response of respondents of each variable. Then analyze the data obtained in the
form of quantitative analysis. Quantitative analysis include validity and reliability
test, weighted mean, factor analysis, the classic assumption test and multiple
regression analysis to test the hypothesis through T-test, F-test and coefficient of
determination (R²). Data analysis techniques used were linear regression analysis
that serves to prove the research hypothesis.Results of the analysis found that
from the four factors,audience reach, audience engagement with content, audience
attentiveness and responsiveness, friends and family environment, only Audience
Reach have no positive and significant impact on consumer behavior. Hypothesis
testing using T-test showed that independent variable (audience reach) no
significantly affect consumer behavior as dependent variables. Then through the F
test showed that the variable audience reach, audience engagement with content,
audience attentiveness and responsiveness, friends and family environment
together has a significant effect to the purchase decision. Figures adjusted R
square of 0.697 indicates that 69.7 percent of the variations of purchase decision
can be explained by four independent variables used in the regression equation
while the rest of 30.3 percent is explained by another variable outside the four
variables used within this research.