This research analysis “ the influence of transportation, distribution center and inventory
toward logistic process of mobile phone ( a case study of PT Vivo communication
Indonesia in bandar lampung)”. A survey was conducted 108 respondents with the
filtering question. They are vivo promoters and sales in Bandar Lampung, traditional boss
and staff in Bandar Lampung who have work together with vivo smartphone. There are
three independent variables which are transportation, distribution center and inventory.
Data analysis technique used multiple linear regression with least squares equation and
test hypothesis using T-statistic for testing the partial regression coefficients and
F-statistic to test the effect together with a significance level of 5%. It also tested the
classical assumptions that included tests of normality, multicollinearity test, test of
heterocedasticity and autocorrelation test. This shows the available data has been
qualified using multiple linear regression equation model. The result indicate that
distribution center (X2) has no significant influence toward logistic process. The
variables transportation (X1) and inventory (X3) have significant positive influence to the
logistic process.