This research “The Influence of Work Environment, Salary, and Leadership towards Employees‟ Motivation (A Case Study of PT BRI Labuan Branch)”. A survey was conducted on 100 respondents who are officer BRI branch Labuan. This research based on Research into this base on the result from report of performance of officer BRI in the year 2014. There are three selection criteria as work environment, salary, and leadership. Data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression with least squares equation and test hypothesis using t-statistic for testing the partial regression coefficients and F-statistic to test the effect together with a significance level of 5%. It also tested the classical assumptions that included tests of normality, multicollinearity test, test of heterocedasticity and autocorrelation test. This shows the available data has been qualified using multiple linear regression equation model. The Result indicate that work environment (X1) have no significant effect towards employees‟ motivation in bank. The variables salary, and leadership significantly positive effect to employees motivation in bank of BRI branch Labuan. Predictive ability of three variables to employees‟ motivation in bank of BRI branch Labuan in this study of 56.3% while the remaining is 43.7% be affected by other factors not include in the research model.