The purpose of this research is to analyse the relationship of leadership style and employee performance of PT. Mass Sarana Motorama, whether between leadership style and employee performance have strong or weak relationship.
This research was design using quantitative research, which involves analysis of numerical data in attempt to explain the matters observed. This research is using questionnaire to collect the data. The questionnaire was spread to 50 employees of PT. Mass Sarana Motorama in order to get more precise information to answer the matters observed. Likert scale is use to measure the data, it is by collect entire statement that has connection with investigated problems.
The study has found that there is significance correlation between three types of leadership style (Authoritarian, Democratic, Lassiez Faire) and employee performance which use the initiatves as the indicator variable. Researcher found that democratic leadership style have a stong correlation with the initiative.
From the research findings, it is suggested for the company to use the democratic leadership style to increase their employee performance. Likewise also to give more benefit and bonuses so employee will have high initiative and can increase the employee performance. For improvement in future research, it is suggested to make long research period to obtain more result that is comprehensive. The future research also can use other factor which affect employee performance, with different respondents and methodology.