Nowadays, investors appear in much type of trading behavior and many types of the investor itself. It is happening because of the mind-set of each investor and based on the financial performance of the company. Investor tends to have the stock based on the company financial performance.
The objective of this research is to analyze of PT. Bank Internasional Indonesia (BII) financial performance towards investors’ confidence. The main factor that will be discussed in this research would be financial performance of BII and the investor confidence.
This research was designed using quantitative research which involves analysis of numerical data in an attempt to explain the matters observed. This research is using secondary data. The data of this research were gathered from Indonesia Stock Exchange and Indonesian Capital Market Directory since 1997 to 2007.
This research is using calculation from each ratio and using a multiple regression model from Statistical Package for the Social Sciences 17. The finding has stated that there is significance impact between financial ratios from the BII financial performance toward the investor confidence.