This study aims to determine the effect of Job Satisfaction, Commitment, and Discipline of Foreign Workers towards Employees’ Productivity in Meikarta. This study uses a quantitative approach. Data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression. The population of this study were 183 foreign workers in Meikarta, after using the Slovin theory the sample were 126 foreign workers. Each independent variable partially affects the dependent variable if its significance level is below 0.05. Job satisfaction with significance level of 0.032, commitment with significance level of 0.015, and discipline with 0.000 significance level. Independent variable Discipline (X3) has the most influence towards Employees’ Productivity with the highest coefficient 0.306. Job satisfaction, commitment and discipline are simultaneously influence on employee productivity. The influence variable Job Satisfaction, Commitment, and Discipline gives the influence of 50% towards Employees’ Productivity