The main objective of this final project is to replacing the keyboard, space, up arrow, left arrow, down arrow and right arrow functions using the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor. There are two sensors that are used for this final project, one to the left of the laptop and the other to the right of the laptop. The microcontroller used in the final project is Arduino Leonardo, then to program the writer using the Arduino IDE application. The library used to program is Keyboard.h, then as a coded using the keyboard modifier. The use of ultrasonic sensors makes distance as a substitute for the keyboard in controlling video. The hand becomes an object that will be read by an ultrasonic sensor to control video, volume and backward / forward using one hand, while stop/play uses both hands. The distance for both sensors is 10-25 cm, then the backward / forward for both sensors is> 25-40 cm and the stop/play for both sensors is 10-55 cm. Testing for this final project is testing the straight distance to the sensor, the maximum width of the sensor and the success of the response with an experiment of 20 times. Testing for the final project is going well, straight distance testing works well for the distance used, then the maximum width is obtained by calculation based on the maximum angle that can be achieved by the sensor, and testing the success of the response goes well, the highest success with a percentage of 100% for backward/forward video and the smallest success with a percentage of 85% for stop/play, the average error of the success of the response for this final project is 7%.