Warehouse is one of the main feature that will be used to save the raw material required in production process. Material management issue will be the topic to improve SW Line operating time to increase productivity. Yamazumi chart is used to define the time spent for value added, necessary and non-added value time to decide which workstation to be improved and causes bottlenecking. It is found that SW-03 workstation is the most inefficient with 18.7 minutes operating time and 19.5% (3.64 minutes) of its time is non-added value time. The non-added value time caused by idling while waiting material which is triggered to be out of stock. The material issue will be solved by implementing Kanban for the materials involved in SW-03. The result after eliminating the bottleneck is improving the operating time for SW-03 by 10.16% to 16.8 minutes with non-added value time of 10.35% (1.74 minutes).