Based on the purpose, lists of material and developing material, each of material has unique characteristics studied by researches of material testing. Material testing is divided into two methods: destructive test (such as tensile test, bending test, hardness test, etc.) and non-destructive test (for deformation detection). One kind of machine commonly used for material testing is Universal Testing Machine (UTM). UTM is testing machine that performs more than one kind of material testing. In this research, UTM is designed and analyzed the construction strength based on the working load. The load is sourced from hydraulic power (bottle jack) and jack will be able to move both punch (on bending test) and clamp (on tensile test) in the same time. Bottle jack has design capacity of 2000 kg and actual used capacity of 1400 kg. Dimension of specimen (testing material) based on ASTM E8 standard and the working capacity has width of 12.5 mm and thickness of 3 mm. The specimen is successfully pulled by the clamp and broken in the mid area. After testing is executed, UTM construction is good and experience no damage. If the working load is increased above 1400 kg and under 2000 kg, user needs to optimize for the piping and sealing which direct to pressure gauge and pressure gauge can be replaced with higher pressure range to measure higher load. The clamp should be developed further and shall refer to standard to have better grip on specimen. Non-destructive test can be performed for further deformation detection.