In this era, PLN’s electricity customers are beginning to use prepaid kWh meter, which require customers to fill in the pulse before using electricity. In prepaid kWh meter there are some of indicators, for instance notification about status credit of the pulse. When electricity will be drop or empty that need to be top-up, the prepaid kWh meter will show blinking led and alarm sound as warning notification. Let say, the led will blink and alarm sound will active when the value of the token under 20.00 kWh. There is any problem when the user leaves the house, they cannot get the information of the token will be drop or empty. Then, making a device that can send the information about the token. The device is run by using program which is Arduino Uno. This device will detect alarm sound through sound alarm FC-04 module and sending short message service (SMS) to the user as the information that the token will be drop or empty using GSM Sim 800L module. In conclusion, the device successfully detect a status credit of prepaid kWh meter that will be drop or empty and deliver the information of status credit trough short message service.