In 2020. The food industry was affected by the novel Coronavirus explosion.
More and more of China's food industry has been hit in recent months by the
fundamental role of food as a human being. This study investigates the effects of
individual psychological awareness, social distance, customer loyalty, food types,
and family income on food purchasing behavior in China. Quantitative research
method was adopted in this study. The object of this study is Chinese people, as
samples for analysis. Through the online survey, a total of 150 known respondents
participated in the survey. The study found that during the COVID-19 pandemic,
individual psychological awareness, social distance, customer loyalty, food
categories, and family income had significant, partial, and concurrent influences
on the purchasing power of food behavior in China. This study provides insight
and knowledge into the behavioral purchasing power of the food industry in
China, as well as future research to determine the stable development of the food
industry during the pandemic.