In this study, the researcher discussed about Win’s Talas Pontianak : a
traditional snack fromPontianak,west kalimantan. The researcher found
two problems on the Win’s Talas Pontianak , which related to its brand and
package. Win’s Talas Pontianak did not have a strong brand identity and
package, as the Win’s Talas Pontianak only wrapped with the used printed
label and common plastic. The objective of the research is to increase the
sale of the Win’s Talas Pontianak by rebranding the brand and package of
the Win’s Talas Pontianak. The result of this research is the package design
for Win’s Talas Pontianak, which is designed in an informative and
persuasive manner. In achieving that, this research applied the qualitative
descriptive approach. There are two data gathered in this study: Primary
Data and Secondary Data. The primary data is collected by conducting
observations and interviews. The researcher conducted direct and online
interviews with the owner of Win’s Talas Pontianak in order to find out the
details of the products and customer responses. The researcher also
collected the secondary data from credible sources on the internet such as
journals, books and documents. It found that the majority of informants
wanted to improve the brand and packaging of Win’s Talas Pontianak to be
more informative, creative and innovative manner, but still hold on the
characteristics of Pontianak. The researcher also concluded that the new
brand and packaging had achieved the objectives of this study, which can
attract the attention of customers to buy the product and increase the
product value.