This research was conducted with 150 respondents who are Users/Buyers or former Users/Buyers
of Indonesian-Made products in Bekasi. There were three independent variables being studied,
these are Consumer Ethnocentrism, Perceived Price, and Perceived Quality, the dependent variable
is Purchase Intention of Indonesian-Made products. Data analysis technique used were binary
logistic regression to develop purchase intention model base from the fact that both dependent and
independent variables are categorical. Response for dependent variable was Yes or No while
response for all independent variables was categorical. It also tested the correlation test and
multicollinearity test. This shows the available data has been qualified using binary logistic
regression. The result of all indicated with Perceived Price (X2) have no significant influence
towards Purchase Intention of Indonesian-Made products in Bekasi. The variable Consumer
Ethnocentrism (X1) and Perceived Price (X3) have significant influence towards Purchase
Intention of Indonesian-Made products. The predictive ability of three variables influence
Purchase Intention of Indonesian-Made products in Bekasi in this study was 29.7% while the
remaining 70.3% were affected by other factors not included in the research model being studied.