Good literacy skills are crucial for individuals to understand and participate in
society, opening opportunities for success in various fields. Introducing literacy to
preschoolers presents challenges, and one approach to enhance literacy interest is
through interesting, fun, and meaningful learning resources. With the diverse
cultural backgrounds of students at Jayakarta Montessori School, the authors aim
to introduce Indonesian culture to foster understanding. The project involves
Indonesian Day sessions using the Intercultural Communication approach,
incorporating active and inquiry-based learning. By imitating the moral messages
conveyed by each character, students develop empathy sensitivity. To enhance
cultural literacy, the children participate in singing Indonesian songs such as "Ibu
Kita Kartini," "Gundul Gundul Pacul," "Naik Naik Ke Puncak Gunung," and
"Lihat Kebunku." Through these approach, can help improve language skills and
concentration levels for students at Jayakarta Montessori School.