This research aimed to examine the Influence of Celebrity Endorsement on
Customer Behavioral Intention of Oppo Smartphone user in Hanoi, Vietnam.
This research is also limited to 125 respondents who belong to the millennial
generations or simply called as the “millennials”, thus the study used purposive
sampling to make sure that the respondents are all current users of Oppo
Smartphone. There were four independent variables being studied, these are the
Endorser's Attractiveness (EA), Endorser's Trustworthiness (ET), Endorser's
Expertise (EE), and the Fit between the endorser and the endorsed product (TF),
dependent variable is Customer Behavioral Intention (BI) on Oppo smartphones.
Test include in quantitative analysis are reliability and validity test, classical
assumptions test, and linear multiple regression to conclude the hypothesis testing
through F-test, T-test, and coefficient determination at significance level of 95%.
The result of this study indicates that endorser’s trustworthiness (ET) has no
significant influence on customer behavioral intention (BI) of Oppo smartphones
among millennials in Hanoi. The variables endorser's attractiveness (EA),
endorser's expertise (EE), and the fit between the endorser and the endorsed
product (TF) have significantly positive influence on customer behavioral
intention on Oppo smartphones among millennilas in Hanoi.