The purpose of this study was to analyze the determinants of net interest margin
of Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional The dependent variable in this study was
the net interest margin (NIM), and the independent variable were credit risk as
proxied by the ratio of non-performing loan (NPL), efficiency ratio, risk aversion
as proxied by capital adequacy ratio (CAR), and transaction size as calculated by
the logarithm of total loans. The study for this research were 6 (six) years, from
2010-2015. This study uses quantitative research, which uses some analysis such
as descriptive statistics analysis, classical assumption, multiple regression analysis
and hypothesis testing. This research aims to analyze and proven the significant
influences in partial and simultaneously of efficiency ratio, CAR, NPL and
transaction size on NIM. This research uses SPSS 16.0 as the statistical tool to
process the data. From this study, it found that efficiency ratio, CAR and
transaction size is significantly influence to net interest margin. The four
independent variables indicated to influence net interest margin as much as 63.1%,
and the remaining was influenced by other variables.