Twitter can be an effective communication tool for BEKRAF to disseminate information and connect the interaction among users who have concern towards the development of Indonesia’s creative economy. This research aimed to find out the reason of BEKRAF as the new government agency in choosing Twitter and the way BEKRAF utilized Twitter’s features in disseminating information. Qualitative research with a case study as the approach was employed to investigate BEKRAF uses of Twitter. This research was developed by using theory of Media Ecology, which discussed the impact of technology innovation on all kinds of society concerning how they act, believe, and perceive. The result of this study showed that BEKRAF could not escape from the impact of technology innovation and that technology innovation affected BEKRAF’s act in choosing Twitter as their communication tool in disseminating information to public. This research revealed that Twitter brought advantages for BEKRAF in disseminating information quickly, maintaining relationship with a large public, advancing BEKRAF’s performance by evaluating society’s feedback and input in Twitter, and creating public accountability as well as better image in public’s eye through Twitter’s features.