PT. CPM is a company that engages in plastic injection molding industry, which serves various companies as a supplier. One of a product that PT. CPM produced is Cover Connector X. This product is facing a problem in regards to the significant increase of gate flash/burry defect that has to go through rework process, the defect increases from the range of 5-10% from target production to 49-70%. Because of that, temporary measure is taken, which is adding more operators to make the rework process faster. PDCA Cycle method was used for the improvement project to acquire long term measure to reduce gate flash/burry defect. During the improvement project, it reveals 2 options that able to reduce gate flash/burry defect, which are thinning the gate and using cutting tool for runner removal. Both options are tested in production trial and the result reveals that using cutting tool as a method for runner removal is the best option, therefore it will be implemented to the normal production. One week after it is implemented, it is reported that the gate flash/burry defect is reduced to zero.