Di dalam proses pembuatan ban, banyak sekali mesin yang digunakan. Seringkali bagian maintenance berhadapan dengan kondisi over budget, dimana pemakaian budget aktual melebihi perencanaannya. Ketika terjadi over budget, ...
This research discusses about designing single stage disassembly system economic order quantity system at manufacturer industry in Cikarang. It begins with the observation related to the current inventory planning model ...
Pengendalian kualitas produk adalah hal yang sangat penting sebagai kekuatan untuk persaingan bisnis di era ini. Variasi atau ketidak seragaman yang timbul pada proses perbedaan dalam kualitas produk, sehingga pencapaian ...
Peningkatan kualitas merupakan suatu hal yang paling esensial bagi suatu perusahaan untuk tetap dapat eksis dalam dunia industri yang kompetitif ini. Dengan adanya kemampuan perusahaan untuk memberikan kepuasan terhadap ...
Robani, Muhammad Shidqi Atho(President University, 2017)
Material handling is one of important process in a manufacturing company. Company should pay attention to the detail of material handling process, because after all the process in production line, material handling is the ...
PT.K manufactures some Epson sparepart. Finished goods are stored in several
warehouses. Warehouse 003 that store Epson spare parts that consist of 30 types. Each
sparepart is stored in boxes and stacked in several ...
The problem related to Cumulative Trauma Disorders – Low Back Pain appears in casting area before the operator put lead bar from pallet into melting pot. The manual material handling which is lead bar 30 kg should be done ...
Melihat perkembangan PT. XYZ sejak berdiri tahun 2012, terjadi kenaikan demand tentunya karena seiring bertambahnya permintaan produk dari customer untuk dunia otomotif pada khususnya. Dalam aktifitas produksi yang dilakukan, ...
Perkembangan teknologi akhir-akhir ini berjalan dengan pesat. Hal ini dapat dirasakan diberbagai kegiatan dan bidang kehidupan, khususnya bidang industri manufaktur. Oleh karena itu PT.XY harus senantiasa untuk melakukan ...
This thesis discusses the design of a rubber separator with steel wire use pneumatic power to recycle scrap belts. In this design using pneumatic power as a driver. Pneumatic are chosen because they are cheaper, simpler, ...
Analisa kegagalan yang disebabkan karena terjadinya kegagalan pada
poros sistem transmisi mesin fine boring dengan material poros berupa S50C
dengan standar JIS G 4051. Analisa kegagalan pada poros untuk mengetahui
penyebab ...
Salt spray test merupakan salah satu pengujian laju korosi dengan menggunakan larutan yang korosif dalam ruangan tertutup sehingga benda uji akan mengalami korosi dalam waktu yang lebih singkat. Diperlukan sistem kendali ...
Korosi mengakibatkan banyak kerugian dalam bidang industri. Akan tetapi proses terjadinya korosi tidak dapat dihindari karena berlangsung secara alamiah. Hal ini mendorong dilakukannya pengujian ketahanan material terhadap ...
Exhaust fan as one of the common electrical appliance that widely used for home and industry, is mostly still operated manually. However, this condition can be modified into automatic operated by adding processor unit and ...
Sanggau Regency has the influence of the equator with the highest average rainfall in July. Some of the factors that cause road damage are climate and the malfunction of the side channel system, which results in waterlogging, ...
ADIWIGUNA, MUHAMMAD SASTRO(President University, 2022)
Basement is the floor of a building that is partly or entirely below ground level. The need for parking lots and to minimize the use of large land is overcome by the construction of a basement in an apartment building.
The ...
With increasing public awareness of the system of human relations with the environment around, the community began to shift towards better sources and methods of helping environmental improvement. One method that is starting ...
Organizations and construction companies' difficulty is determining how to achieve the most significant value at the lowest expense. As a result, they look for construction laborers that are efficient, committed, and ...
Situational leadership, internal control, and commitment are factors that can affect employee performance. In this case, the variable X or the independent variable is classified as good, but it has not been able to provide ...