The role of traditional market is very central in Indonesia, since consumer
can find almost all of their needs with reasonable price available in there. But the
emergence of modern market slowly shift the consumer preferences from
shopping in traditional market to modern market and later on it will affect the
consumer buying decision towards it. This research objective is to analyze the
influence of retail marketing mix (except Promotional since it is not being used in
U.D Sumber Lancar Store Malang) towards consumer buying decision.
Quantitative research was applied using Purposive sampling technique with all
consumers of U.D Sumber Lancar Store Malang as the population. There were
301 respondents for quantitative research and the data was processed using
validity with the range of 0.564 until 0.945, while the reliability with the range of
0.645 until 0.841, and multiple regression method to analyze each variable’s
relationship. The criteria set by the researcher were consumer with the age of 21-
60 years old who shop in U.D Sumber Lancar Store Malang during the period of
April until June 2016, and the range of income starts from the UMR (Upah
Minimum Regional) of Malang City which is IDR. 2,000,000. It can be
concluded that from 6 variables of Retail Marketing Mix that is used in the
research, 2 of them (product and physical evidence) were not significantly
influence towards consumer buying decision, while the rest 4 of them (price,
place, process, and personnel) are accepted and significantly influence towards
consumer buying decision.