President University Repository

Browsing School of Humanities by Subject "Identity"

Browsing School of Humanities by Subject "Identity"

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  • William, Steven (President University, 2018)
    In this digital era, the consumption of media has changed faster because of the appearance of the digital platform which mass distributed into any form of communication such as social media. Social media has the flexibility ...
  • Suryo, Fiolita Dewi (President University, 2018)
    Now the Internet is needed by the community, until most of the work in the aids with the internet. To use the advancement of the internet in the world, Digipa takes part to assist the community in developing its creativity ...
  • Rifaldi, Rifqi Syahfiar (President University, 2020)
    Construction identity of Indonesian celebrities through media infotainment was talk about how infotainment media show to their audiences of television celebrities who create an activity and information about the celebrity ...
  • PATRICIA, MONIKA (President University, 2019)
    Visual identity is very important because it can create distinctiveness for a university. Therefore, President University need to have a strong and consistent visual identity. To achieve that, the university need to have ...
  • Insani, Amalia (President University, 2018)
    In this digital era, the consumption of media has changed faster because of the appearance of the digital platform which mass distributed into any form of communication such as social media. Social media has the flexibility ...
  • Andriani, Riza (President University, 2022)
    The issues that emerge on Bribean branding rooted from lack of in depth research in visual elements and consistency of visual identity. This affect overall visual appearances on Bribean tools on the visual characters. Thus, ...

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