In 2009, the United States launched its new foreign policy called “ Rebalance Asia-Pacific”, the United States seen the region as new pivotal point of United Stated leadership. People’s Republic of China is a rising power and influences in the region, United States acknowledged the rise of China, the United States seen the China rising is an opportunity yet challenge to the United States leadership in the region. China raised many partnership to the states located in the region, including in the Pacific Island region including Republic of Fiji. Republic of Fiji is a long-standing friends and partners of United States, and Fiji is important to the United States, the strategic location of Fiji the region, its natural resources and its influences among the Pacific Island Countries. This research uses Great Power Politic in order to analyse the United States’ efforts and its focus in response of China rising in Pacific Islands region including the Republic of Fiji from 2009-2016. The United States try to balance its power with the growing influence of China in the Pacific region including Republic of Fiji.