Since the rapid growth of technology, it makes digital technology has influence the practice of cultural diplomacy in International Relations. French is one of the most notable state that attempts to use digital technology in implementing its cultural diplomacy. The opportunities that offered by the usage of technology are various. Hence, it attracts French to take action in using digital technology in spreading its culture and reach wider audiences to another country and build cultural cooperation especially in Indonesia. This research would like to know the implementation digital technology by Institut Français d’Indonésie in supporting French cultural diplomacy in Indonesia since 2012 until 2018 through qualitative methodology research. In the findings of this research, there found some of French cultural diplomacy programs that using digital technology in the implementation of its cultural diplomacy in Indonesia through Institut Français d’Indonésie, there are IFProfs which an online website platform placed for professional French speaking, French Cinema Festival and Ciné-macet a theater movie placed to screened all French movies, those French movies also can be accessed through an online based application called IFCinéma. Institut Français d’Indonésie also provides a digital library named as Culturethéque which privedes book journals and other French information and web tv called as Institut Français.tv which consists of information regarding French culture. Beside that, to support their cultural program, they also have IFmapp which consist of needed information regarding particular program of Insitut Français itself and lastly Institut Francçais also uses IFmobile program to give informations regarding the upcoming programs of Institut Françai