Sexual harassment is all forms of sexual connotation that is carried out unilaterally and is not expected by someone to be targeted so as to cause a negative reaction to causing trauma to the victim. The issue of sexual harassment is still considered by some people as an ordinary personal problem, even though it can be seen in the charts that harassment rates in Indonesia continue to increase, especially during this pandemic period. Therefore, a group of students of the President University in International Relations Study Program made a social project in the form of an online campaign called Aware Setter, which aims to increase the awareness of the Indonesian people regarding sexual harassment, also supporting sustainable development goals including the Goal Number 5, "Gender Equality", and Goal Number 16, "Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions". This online campaign used the online learning method, namely the Aware Setter team using social media and organized webinars. Through this activity, the Aware Setter team provided educational and information about sexual harassment in Indonesia. In addition to using social media and webinars, this online campaign was expected to reach Indonesian people.