In this increasingly advanced era, education has an important role in improving the quality of human
resources. The United Nations has also warned all countries to prioritize education even in the midst of
the COVID-19 pandemic. According to UNESCO, one of the factors that can improve the quality of a
country is education. Education is the right of all human beings that can be done anywhere, whether in
formal or non-formal institutions.
Human development aims to expand the freedom of individuals to do and make things that they consider
valuable. The SDGs are a globally agreed agenda to meet development progress goals. We put both
theories into practice, by forming a project as one of the facilitators in supporting the progress of the
country's development. Each goal in the SDGs and human development agenda requires both formal and
non-formal education to empower knowledge, skills, and values in life and contribute to society.
Entrepreneurship is one of the lessons in education that can be applied in life. The increasing number of
people makes it difficult for people to get or find work, especially at the productive age. We as students
held this project with the aim of improving education and teaching basic knowledge of entrepreneurship
to children who are still in school at the Griya Asih orphanage, with the theme "Encouraging Youth the
Importance of Education and Entrepreneurship". The implementation in this project uses an extension
and training system to make crafts that can be used as opportunities to enter the business world.
With the holding of this social project, the head of the Griya Asih orphanage, Mr. Alexander Joseph S,
found it helpful in terms of developing insight for children. The chairman of the foundation hopes that the
program we provide will continue, the benefits that we provide, increase self-confidence in children. So,
they believe that they are the same as other children, they also have the opportunity to compete and show
their talents