The E-NID application in Indonesia has been distracted regarding to the corruption of Setya
Novanto as the suspect of the E-NID corruption case. Government tried hard to solve this
problem by gathered the suspects and witnesses related to this case including Johannes
Marliem as the foreigner who lived in the United State of America. This thesis will discussed
the protection of witness by Lembaga Perlindungan Saksi dan Korban (LPSK) / Witness and
Victim Protection Agency of Indonesia using normative-empirical research method by learning
the implementation of Witness and Victim Protection Agency of Indonesia rules and regulation
towards foreigner, in this case: Johannes Marliem. The result consists of the facts delivered
through direct interview with Witness and Victim Protection Agency of Indonesia and
trustworthy sources in a form of journals, articles, and laws with the conclusion that there is no
different way of protection that has been done by Witness and Victim Protection Agency of
Indonesia between local citizen and foreigners.