PT XYZ is a banking company that operates in the economic sector by providing
efficient services and facilitating customer transactions. And the rapid development of
technology allows many things to be done online, one of which is to make transactions
online. And this raises many questions for customers to be able to access it. So by providing
the best service for customers, the innovation and development of chatbot is very useful for
banking companies because bots can answer questions in detail and quickly. This final
project was made with the idea of developing a web-based chatbot application, which is an
application designed to detect the language used by humans based on the input results which
are then processed into an answer. This website and chatbot were created to provide banking
information, customers can obtain information and also can ask to bot. So, the service
provided by the company to customers will be better, because customers do not need to come
to the branch to ask questions and companies do not need to spend more resources to answer
customer questions online.