Currently, the system for reporting and complaining about problems on some
E-Channel, as project support software at PT Jasa Teknologi Informasi only uses email
and Slack (chat application) which tend to be ineffective due to the possibility of
missing emails or chats. Also, the complaint process must go through the Project
Management Officer (as project admin) and not directly to the technician so that the
complaint resolution process may take longer. To overcome this problem, a Web-Based
Helpdesk Information System was designed by implementing three types of users,
namely Admin, Technician, and Employee. This Helpdesk System for this final project
will use Rapid Application Development (RAD) and use PHP and MySQL databases.
The features that will be developed in this helpdesk system are managing users, issues,
tickets, generated reports, and setting. With this Web-Based Helpdesk Information
System, it is hoped that it can help employees of PT Jasa Teknologi Informasi in the
process of reporting E-Channel problems to be better and faster.