Human rights is the important elements who possessed by every human being since they born and should be respect by everyone, every groups and institutions. Women and men have rights to be received and pursued. Unfortunately, several people and traditions have different viewed for the position of women and men in the family and society. This research emphasize on the tribal tradition of Pakistan that viewed women position under men based on patriarchal attitudes that deeply rooted in Pakistan. Due to this tradition viewed, it leads to other form of cruel tradition which mostly take the life of innocent women and girls named Honour Killing or karo kari. The act of killing the women in the family to restore honour has become rampant. The women behavior and action always monitored by the men in the family. Hence, men in the family have rights to punish the women if she makes mistake.
Based international relations study, the role of international community is very important to assist the country to solve the human rights issue inside it. Here, the role of treaty body named Committee on Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAWs Committee) which work under the UN in promote gender equality and eliminate violence against women will be analyzed. Precisely, the writer will analyze the implementation of CEDAW in the Pakistan through the report of CEDAWs committee and also analyzed the progress in eliminating gender discrimination and violence against women, including honour killing. This research used qualitative and descriptive method that mostly describe about the CEDAWs Committee as a monitoring institutions which monitor the implementation of CEDAW by Pakistan government and resolution regarding honour crimes adopted by UN General Assembly. The important aspect that will be described is the implementation of CEDAW by monitored the government and its apparatus efforts as well as society in eliminate violence against women.