People of Maluku region had been adversely affected to a great range due
to the social conflict which happened during 1999-2004. The conflict had
killed approximately 9,000 lives and displaced more than 400,000 people
(nearly 30% of the local population), strictly affecting the economic activities.
The conflict also demolished property, business, harvest, animal husbandry,
fishing vessel, necessary items, and more than 40,000 human houses.
Consequently, Maluku became one of the poorest provinces in Indonesia with
the top level of poverty and unemployement rank. Not with standing that the
trend of economic growth of Maluku is increasing, the general economic
situation in region is still examined as low if we make a comparison with the
situation in national level, as well as to the other provinces.
For that reason, in order to bear a hand, the Maluku Province Government
(MPG) and the people of Maluku regarding to revitalize the economy in the
region and for strengthening peace in the community, the Government of
Japan has financed the project through UN Trust Fund for Human Security
(UNTFHS). The main objective of the project is to assist in reducing the
poverty and strengthening peace in the community. This project was called as
"Realizing minimum living standard for disadvantaged communities through
peace building and village based economic development" or well known as
pela gandong project. The goal of this research is to know deeper about the
role of UNIDO as a developmental assistance in the project. The project is
jointly implemented by the United Nations Industrial Development
Organization (UNIDO) as lead agency and the International Labour
Organization (ILO) as cooperating agency.