This research examined not only the prominence of Oxfam in the disaster-emergency response but also analysis on whether Oxfam’s response meets the minimum standards required by international human rights regime, namely Sphere. The analysis of this topic would be limited in emergency response for Merapi Volcano eruption 2010 because Merapi affected large number of people and summoned many actors to intervene. The explanation of this emergency response is divided in two discourses, Oxfam’s role and its assessment based on Sphere Standards. This research used qualitative research method with case study explanation about response in Merapi Volcano eruption 2010. Through analysis of the data on Oxfam’s emergency response activity and its assessment with Sphere, the researcher concludes that Oxfam played salient role for response in Merapi Volcano eruption 2010, such as managing coordination with Indonesian authorities and other agencies, offering comprehensive assessment mechanism and implementing emergency response that meets the needs of affected population. All of these roles are classified as adequate response according to the researcher’s findings based on key indicators on Sphere, such as in the field of coordination and collaboration, assessment and design and response.