Everybody in this world wants a peaceful life, without conflicts, problems and violence. But it seems impossible with so many people living together by having different nature and character. There must be always problems, misunderstand and also threat from criminality done by human. One of security problems is terrorism, a threat of violence in order to intimidate the opponents/others. Terrorism became a hot issues in International Relations after the 9/11 tragedy when 4 airplane hijacked with two passenger planes crashed to the World Trade Centre in New York City, the third into the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. and the fourth jet plunged into the ground in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. This 9/11 tragedy killed almost 3000 people and 2000 people injured.
As the result of this tragedy, United States then declared “War against Terrorism” to destroy the existence of terrorism in all over the world. Not so long after that, US pointed Al Qaeda as a group who responsible to the tragedy where Al Qaeda’s haven for that time is in Afghanistan with the help of Taliban (regime that controlled Afghanistan), that is why on October 7, 2001 United States and NATO launched attacks to Afghanistan with the goal to destroy Al Qaeda. In fact, United States was not only attacked but also took control over Afghanistan. Some regions are still under Taliban but the others already controlled by the U.S. this invasion distinctly changed many aspects of Afghanistan which since 1996 controlled by Taliban with strict law and regulations. One of the aspects is politic, especially from the governance.
One of many things U.S did to Afghanistan was make Afghanistan become a democratic country by form The National Assembly of Afghanistan and also hold the election. But then, this is not as easy as United States imagined, because adapting to a new system and environment is hard that is why there are so many problems Afghanistan faced due to become a democratic country. By find out what did Afghan and U.S done with the political changes, the impacts of 9/11 tragedy (U.S invasion) to Political aspect of Afghanistan can be seen whether it is stable or unstable.