Mr. Robot is a movie series about bunch of hackers lead by Elliot that want to take down one big evil conglomerate company named E Corp who make money from pushing down the minority, and the main character, Elliot, chooses to take E Corp down through his computing skill in the digital world. In this research the writer connecting the movie series with adolescent age of 18-21, because at the age of 18-21 human can absorb information more effectively and efficient because adolescent is the period of shaping the psychology personality into the appropriate form. So after an adolescent is introduced to Mr. Robot, there are several reactions related to communication device happening. This research is conducted to analyze and describe how adolescent audience reacts to their communication device after watching the series of Mr. Robot. This research is supported by the Representation Theory that defines how different groups of people can respond differently to any particular television program, and uses gratification that explain the audience’s reason to consume into five main reasons. Furthermore, the writer uses phenomenology qualitative research as the research methodology to find how such phenomena can happen among adolescent. As a researcher, the writer hopes this research could be useful as a reminder for lots of adolescent audience and also for future filmmaker. For adolescent audience, this research could be used as a reminder for them to think more critically on what kind of information is good enough to be absorbed, and selective on consuming media. For future filmmaker, based on the experience the writer has, most of inexperienced filmmakers are only assume that the art they made is only one way communication from the movie to audience. So, this research can be use as the reminder for them to see it from the eye of audience in order to optimize the messages filmmaker want to share.