The majority of Indonesian considers that health is the most important thing, however more than a half of them stated that they don’t have time to exercise regularly because of the work schedule and other activities. The point above makes Indonesian prefer to choose a simple yet healthy lifestyle. One of the example of a simple yet healthy lifestyle is by consuming the oxygenated water. With the innovation and sophisticated technology, PT. Garuda Food Putra Putri Jaya produces oxygenated water purposed for everyone, so that they still can put a concerns on their healthy life among hectic daily activities. Hence, the researcher interested to observe The Influence of Healthy Value, Lifestyle, and Price on Customer Satisfaction towards Customer Loyalty and Word of Mouth of Super O2 product. This research used some theories and literature to support the research by giving the definition of healthy value, lifestyle, price, customer satisfaction, word of mouth, and customer loyalty. This research uses non-probability method with judgemental sampling, 200 respondents were taken part and the data tested using structural equation modelling through AMOS2.2. The result and findings show that healthy value had positive influence on customer satisfaction, lifestyle had positive influence on customer satisfaction, price had positive influence on customer satisfaction and customer satisfaction had positive influence towards word of mouth and customer loyalty.