Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are the result of an agreement Millennium Declaration heads of state and representatives from 189 countries of the United Nations (UN), which began running in September 2000. The target is to achieve social welfare and community development in 2015. The Indonesian government also attended the meeting MDGs in New York and signed the Millennium Declaration. The signing of the declaration of one of the targets of the MDGs is the commitment of world leaders to achieve reduced by more than half the people who suffer from poverty and hunger. We can see that poverty in Indonesia is still very high, one of which is the province of Aceh. poor people in the province of Aceh are still very high, if we look further at rural poverty is higher than in the Aceh region of Aceh city. Therefore, it can be said that poverty in Aceh is located in a rural area which is the largest part of the territory of Aceh. Aceh government under the leadership of Governor Yusuf even have a very high commitment to uplift the quality of life of its people as mandated in the MDGs. It is seen from the pro-people programs poor run as Program Board of Village Financial Prosperity (Badan Keuangan Peumakmue Gampong/ BKPG), Acehnese Health Insurance (Jaminan Kesehatan Aceh / JKA). Board of Village Financial Prosperity aims to build basic rural infrastructure as well as provide jobs to the community, and Acehnese Health Insurance aims to improve the quality of life and health of the people of Aceh.
This study aims to identify and analyze the achievement of the MDGs program to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger in the province of Aceh in 2010-2012. of the program Acehnese government can realize the importance of doing business in the MDGs to eradicate poverty in Aceh. The type of this research is a qualitative research, it is because this research only used a few amount of number and statistic as a data and facts, the level of analysis itself is at descriptive to analyze and present the facts in systematic arrangement. The object of this research is 3 years data from 2010-2012.