The importance of credit card as an online payment instruments has begun to be accepted among the generations, both in developed and developing countries. Besides, the attitude and promotion will help the society to be more financially understand in using the credit card. This research focus on the millennials generation who live in Jakarta, both men and women with all kind of occupations and different last education level.
The quantitative method was chosen within this research along with nonprobability technique with the base of purposive sampling. The 20 items instruments was distributed to millennials who have purchased on e-commerce by using credit card. Demographic variables were gender, age, domicile, last education level, and monthly income. Finally, the analysis was performed with 200 of total respondents. The researcher uses a statistical software to test the hypothesis by find out the significant relation between independent variables and dependent variable.
The results of the research showed that all of the independent variables in this research considered has significance relationship with credit card usage. The findings are hoped will be useful to improve and develop the credit card companies and also e-commerce in Indonesia.
Research regarding factors influencing credit card usage on e-commerce payment method has never been done in Jakarta. Hence, researcher believes that this is the first study.