This research is focused on employee in Company X, Industrial Estate Company in Jababeka. As for the problem with this research is “Are the salary, job security, working hours, co-worker, working condition, supervisor, promotion, benefit influence job satisfaction among employees in Company X?”. The purpose of this research is to examine the influence of Salary (X1), Job Security (X2), Working Hours (X3), Co-worker (X4), Working Condition (5), Supervisor (X6), Promotion (X7), Benefit (X8), to Job Satisfaction (Y). In this study the data were collected through questionnaire to 162 employees if Company X using purposive sampling technique to determine the response of respondents of each variable. Then analysis the data obtained in the form of quantitative analysis. Quantitative analysis includes validity and reliability test, classical assumption test and multiple regression analysis to test the hypotheses through F-test and T-test, and coefficient of determination. The data that have met the reliability test, validity test, classical assumption processed to multiple regression analysis and shows that three out of eight variable (salary, working hours, and benefit) are significantly influence the job satisfaction while the rest are not. Figures adjusted R square of 0.616 indicates that 61.6 percent variance of dependent variable (job satisfaction) can be explained by variance of the independent variable, whereas the other 38.4 percent are influence by other factors that not include in this research.