Title: Japan Defense Policy in Responding to North Korea Ballistic Missile Tests
International political environment has diverse and complex elements in it, making
it inseparable to conflicts and clashes. The states have their own preparations to face
these conflicts and clashes, whether it is in economic, diplomatic, or defensive
sense. Japan, as a state, cannot be separated from the conflicts and clashes in
international political environment, including in its own region of Northeast Asia.
One of the clashes Japan experiences in Northeast Asia is with North Korea, related
with North Korea ballistic missile tests. In order to respond to this threat, Japan
needs to prepare its defense and security through its defense policy, including Japan
military power. Preparing, moreover improving military power is not something that
Japan can do easily. The Article 9 of Japan Constitution puts some restrictions on
the improvement of Japan military as it is considered a war potential. This study
analyses Japan strategic environment and its threat perceptions towards the region,
particularly on North Korea ballistic missile tests from 2009 to 2017. This study
also analyses Japan national interest regarding the case, which leads to the analysis
on Japan defense policy, and finally Japan military power and strategy. At the end
of this study, there is conclusion on how North Korea ballistic missile tests are
threatening Japan security, what Japan national interest regarding the case, and how
Japan prepares its defense policy and military power to respond towards North
Korea ballistic missile tests.