Nurul Sriwulandari Nur, 016201400126, The Roles of Confucius Institute
Headquarter Hanban in Promoting Culture of the People’s Republic of China in
the State of Washington (2010-2016)
Advisor: Drs. Teuku Rezasyah, M.A., Ph.D
Public diplomacy can be described as a government process in communicating
with foreign public, in an effort to bring understanding, to ideas and ideals of the
nation, institutions and culture, and national goals. The need to project an
attractive and friendly image to the world has inspired Chinese public diplomacy,
as well as being used as the main tool to promote the rise of a peaceful China,
which is by involving understanding of culture and language. To enhance
understanding of culture and language, China established the Confucius Institute,
where the institution is part of a government initiative in promoting Chinese
language and culture internationally. Based on constructive agreements and
collaboration in the fields of education and culture, making the United States one
of the main destinations for the establishment of Confucius Institute. The
establishment of the Confucius Institute in the United States aims to introduce the
public, especially academics, to how China truly is, so as to create better
understanding and communication between China and the United States, and
increase student interest in learning Chinese culture and language. In 2010,
Confucius Institute Headquarter established a partnership with The State of
Washington to establish the first statewide Confucius Institute in the United
States. From this collaboration, Confucius Institute of the State of Washington
was established, which was later called CIWA. In this regard, the Confucius
Institute acts as a way for China to promote culture and language to students in
the United States, as well as a way to build better relations with the United States.
This research was conducted in May 2018, until November 2018, using a
qualitative descriptive analysis method, to provide analysis of the sources
obtained, in the form of news articles, books, and scientific journals.