his research examined the effect of financial literacy and financial
attitudes on financial management behavior and financial satisfaction in samples
of married individuals. Financial literacy, financial attitudes, and financial
management behavior were examined as independent variable. The financial
satisfaction will examined as dependent variable. The financial management
behavior as dependent variable also examined separately. In this study, there will
be two examinations of two different dependent variables. The sample was
significantly married individuals in Grand Galaxy City Residence in Bekasi for
200 respondents by used convenience sampling. To test two different dependent
variables which have more than one independent variable, this research using
multiple linear regression by tested the classical assumption test first. When tested
separately, both financial literacy and financial attitudes were significantly related
to financial management behavior, so does when financial literacy, financial
attitudes, and financial management behavior tested were significantly related to
financial satisfaction. Results also showed that financial attitudes become the
most significant factor in tested dependent variable of financial management
behavior while financial management behavior become the most significant factor
in tested dependent variable of financial satisfaction.