The tourism industry has undergone rapid growth of unsurpassed nature over the last several decades. This has mainly been due to to the advent of a 'borderless' world and increased information dissemination about the majestic sceneries throughout the world, with Indonesia is being no exception.
InAdventour Organizer is a kind of business to help the customer to find the best experience and best challenges when they do travel. An opportunity for InAdventour success exists because Indonesia national tourism industry is growing at rapid pace annually. InAdventour is pleased to take this advantages of this moment and moderate competition in the adventure travel industry, with dedicated and experienced staff, excellent networking, and effective management and marketing. InAdventour intends to provide travel and adventure packages to tourists in Indonesia. Service and products provided by InAdventour will initially include accommodation, homestay, ticket, meals, tents, equipment, merchandise and documentation during the tour.
Our services will be positioned very carefully: they will be of good service, comfortable, informative, safe and tailored to the clients need such that they will enable individuals to have a greater appreciation of the natural environment and its intricacies. InAdventour uses online marketing to promote tour packages, such as website and social media. InAdventour also makes brochures to attract the customer.
The first capital to build this business is approximately Rp 150,000,000. This business is used for building rent, building renovation, office and travel equipment, marketing, and more. The financial report of InAdventour will be projected for three years. InAdventour has projected the total gross profit Rp 936,670,000 and net sales Rp 976,500,000 at in the end of the first year and it will increase 20% per year. The projected payback period of the investment to reach is 9 months with the return of asset (ROA) in the first year is 71%, the second year is 52%, and the last year is 43%. For the Return of Sales (ROS) is 21% in the first year, 27% in the second year, and 34% in the third year. Based on the result of ratio analysis ROA is decreased and ROS is increased in every year, so InAdventour has no trouble in the financial project and ready to be developed