In the current era of globalization, there are a lot of improvement in every aspect in life, including the way to promotes product and the party that promoting the product. Today, there is a well-known social media in Indonesia called Instragram, which is used not only to socialize with relatives but also to be used for business purposes. One of the business activities that occur on Instagram is online sales and promotions. One of the parties doing promotions on Instagram is selebgram. Because selebgram is a new legal subject, the regulation regarding selebgram is not clearly explained in the Law Number 8 Year 1999 concerning Consumer Protection. The Consumer Protection Law does not explain in detail about advertisers, so the consequences that are applied to entrepreneurs conducting promotions are also applied to selebgram. Therefore, the Consumer Protection Law should be updated so that legal certainty can be obtained for selebgram and the parties related to it.