President University Repository

Browsing School of Computer Science by Title

Browsing School of Computer Science by Title

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  • Putra, Dwiky (President University, 2020)
    In this era of technology, smartphone is one of the most currently developing. One of the currently trending and developing technology in a smartphone is augmented reality. Augmented reality has been applied in many various ...
  • Vitamas, Vera Debora (President University, 2019)
    Sphygmomanometer an instrument for measuring blood pressure are often used in the medical world. Its function is vital because it is the basic for doctors to diagnose the patient’s current health check-up. Sphygmomanometer ...
  • Wijaya, Ardy (President University, 2019)
    Nowadays, the progress of technology can also increase the demand for microcomputer system that can provide the benefit for the human life. This microcomputer system is expected to have an important role in helping ...
  • Abdikesuma, Francis Dwiputra (President University, 2023)
    Entertainment comes from various forms and activities, one of which is by playing games. Most of them are currently being played on electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, and personal computer. There are ...
  • Sukmana, Jana (President University, 2019)
    E-Calibration Control System untuk memonitor kelayakan alat ukur dibuat untuk membantu memenuhi kebutuhan proses bisnis perusahaan, tepatnya pada bagian departemen kalibrasi yang membutuhkan sebuah sistem berbasis web ...
  • Ananda, Ibnu Arya (President University, 2020)
    Technology serves a lot of purposes for human being without limits of space, time, and knowledge. With the help of technology people all around the world can have what they need in easy way. One of the most common piece ...
  • Junicko, Rayhan (President University, 2023)
    E-commerce is one of the popular digital platform types that exist nowadays. The platform, increasingly popular in recent years, allows people to shop online from the comfort of their own homes and businesses to reach a ...
  • Prasetiyo, Riko (President University, 2019)
    Setiap perusahaan yang memiliki keahlian khusus pembuatan sebuah produk pasti memiliki departemen QC. QC dapat melakukan testing, kalibrasi, pengukuran dan lain-lain untuk menjaga kualitas dari produk perusahaan ...
  • Ermadi, Putri Safirilla (President University, 2020)
    Nowadays there are many Muslim women that have a busy daily life especially the workers and the housewives. Even with a daily life like that, there are still Muslim women that want to learn and understand more about their ...
  • Christanti, Yohana Briliant (President University, 2023)
    Kemenperin telah menetapkan tujuh sektor prioritas dalam transformasi Indonesia, salah satunya adalah sektor manufaktur. Sektor manufaktur dituntut bertransformasi menggunakan teknologi digital dalam setiap proses nilai ...
  • Rizqi, Aulia (President University, 2019)
    In Indonesia, Recruitment Procedure are simple way in its own way, by having the talent applying when seeing job vacancy advertisement, get contacted by the recruiter, doing interview, got accepted or rejected. Even ...
  • Saputra, Ripki (President University, 2019)
    In Indonesia, elections are still carried out conventionally. This conventional method has several disadvantages such as slow vote-counting process, reliance on paper and ink may cause inaccuracies, there are risks of ...
  • EUGENE, ALVIAN (President University, 2018)
    Android applications were made to help people simplify processes of something. The content of my thesis is about how an Android application I make, Eazy Laundry can help people simplify the ordering process for laundry. ...
  • Sudarmi, Ichsanul Kamil (President University, 2023)
    The Emergency Response App is a powerful software application designed to simplify the emergency response process and increase the efficiency of emergency service units such as Ambulance, Police, and Fire services. This ...
  • Lukman, Muhammad Iqbal (President University, 2019)
    Nowadays, an autonomous robotics is one of the evidences of the technological development. Autonomous robots are created by people to solve their problem, ease their challenges, and overcome their limitation. Robot already ...
  • Dipawitra, I Gede Guya (President University, 2023)
    In current academic settings, a progressive internet software has been brought to beautify the question and solution (Q&A) process. This net software pursuits to optimize communication among educators and students, improve ...
  • Suharyadi, Ferdy (President University, 2020)
    Discovering events near us can be tricky sometimes. After all, people usually find out about cool events by word of mouth or by being an extremely loyal online fan/follower/subscriber of whoever's hosting it. In the digital ...
  • Hanifamuslima, Farisa (President University, 2020)
    Event management conventionally requires people to be registered to an event and to be verified which is not practical and takes a long time. Furthermore, the data collected from the registration have a risk of loss or ...
  • Sari, Fira Deviana (President University, 2019)
    Nowadays, technology plays an important role in people’s life. It is used in all different fields, expected to continue improving over time and make daily tasks easier to perform. One of the most popular technology that ...
  • Zulani, Cindy (President University, 2023)
    A real-time object detection mobile application for visually impaired individuals using TensorFlow Lite aims to detect objects and Indonesian currency while providing language selection and other supporting features. ...

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