most engaging brand on TwiCer. Jakarta Social Media Week (SMW), in
collaboraGon with Social Baker, present the 2019 Socially Devoted Award as
a token of appraisals to recognise brands' interacGvity and social media
engagement excellence. Scholarly literatures have previously studied how
effecGve TwiCer usage could help businesses grow. However, it seems like
there have not been enough studies that provide in-depth content
classificaGon of social media content types in connecGon with social media
engagement. In luck of such research, this study seeks to address this gap in
the literature. This study mapped out cluster themes of content that
generate a high engagement rate by analysing 150 tweets sent from
@GrabID within three months before the company received the award. This
study discloses eight types of messages that Grab Indonesia commonly
posted on TwiCer. Furthermore, this study also found that compared to the
other types of messages, contest/giveaway, pop culture reference, and seek
interacGon generated higher engagement rates. Finding out the types of
messages appeal and the degree of engagement it receives will equip
brands with insights about the kind of content audiences are most
interested in seeing. Such insights could funcGon as an addiGonal reference
for public relaGons pracGGoners to create and explore more variety in social
media content types that matches audiences’ preferences.