Tourism has become one of the fastest growing sectors in today‟s era and now also become a concern for governments in several countries to become one of the sectors that can advance the country, including Indonesia. Various methods are used by the Indonesian government to introduce Indonesian tourism, one of which is through cultural diplomacy. Indonesia's cultural diplomacy conducted by the Indonesian government in China, one of which is through several tourism promotion activities that contain art performances that show the cultural identity of each region in Indonesia. With the existence of cultural elements in every performance, the Indonesian government saw an opportunity that this could attract Chinese people‟s interest to get to know Indonesian culture. Soft power and cultural diplomacy are becoming the theoritical framework of this study. These theories go hand in hand with each other so that it can show a close correlation that can be used in this study. This study is using qualitative method as the research methodology by applying some qualitative information and data methods using both primary and secondary data which are improved to analyze the phenomena that are becoming the focus of research. The official documents from Ministry of Tourism, RENSTRA 2015-2019, RPJMN 2015-2019, and some official Tourism Constitution were becoming the primary data that supporting this thesis as well as journals, books, reports, online media are related to support the primary data in this study. The result of this study aimed to show the implementation of Indonesian government through tourism promotion activities in the People's Republic of China is an activity carried out together to produce a good harmony in conducting cultural diplomacy that conducted by two countries.