PT. XYZ is an insurance company that offers insurance services. The conditions
of intense competition require the company to continue to improve the
performance of agents in marketing the product. There are several phenomena
that have occurred over the last few years that indicate a problem with employee
performance. The study was conducted on the background that occurred to know
and see the extent of the influence of motivation (X1), compensation (X2),
discipline (X3), career development (X4) on employee performance (Y) PT. XYZ
Bekasi Branch. The method used is quantitative descriptive analysis to determine
the effect of two or more variables with the entire marketer population of 52
people. The number of samples taken using nonprobability sampling method with
saturation / census sampling technique where the sample used is a number of
existing population is 52 samples. Data analysis in this research use multiple
linear regression analysis. The results obtained in this study show that:
motivation has significant effect on employee performance, compensation has
significant effect on employee performance, discipline has no significant effect on
employee performance. career development has no significant effect on employee
performance. Motivation, compensation, discipline and career development
simultaneously affect employee performance.