In principle, this research is normative juridical legal research that aims to determine the Application of Judicial Activism (Litis Domani Principles) to Evidence Steps in Administrative Dispute Examination. This research was conducted by analyzing the decision of the Medan State Administrative Court No.66 / G / 2020-PTUN Medan from 2020. For the data collected to be more accurate, field research was carried out by interviewing people who are closely related to the implementation of Judicial Activism ( Litis Domani Principle).
The findings show that: (1). The implementation of Judicial Activism (Litis Domini Principle) has not been optimal in providing legal protection for parties to obtain justice; (2). There are obstacles in the application of the Principle of Judicial Activism (Litis Domani Principle) juridical obstacles and operational barriers. The government is supposed to regulate the provisions of laws and regulations or a Special Governing Body so that the State Administrative Court's decision can be implemented and the PTUN's authority will get a good image in front of the public.