Title: Indonesia Government's Efforts to Maintain its Sovereignty through Engaging the Melanesian Spearhead Group in Facing United Liberation Movement for West Papua (2014-2017)
The conflict between Indonesia’s governments with West Papua separatist movement has been occurred since a long time ago and still ongoing until nowadays. Lately, this conflict heats up again since the West Papua separatist movement was doing internationalization of this issue. As the result, it gains some support from other countries especially from the country members of Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG). These countries have brought this issue to the United Nation several times since 2014. By these countries, Indonesia’s government has been accused for doing some human rights violations. They also point about the right of self-determination for the citizens of Papua. Besides that, Melanesian Spearhead Group as the important regional organization in Pacific Region has accepted United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) as the observer in their organization. By accepting ULMWP as the observer, it was clear that MSG members giving support for ULMWP political agenda which is to separate from Indonesia. However, Indonesia already gain a status as associated member in Melanesian Spearhead Group which means that the Melanesian Spearhead Group member country should respect the sovereignty of Indonesia. In the development of this conflict, Indonesia’s Government was doing some efforts in facing ULMWP through its engagement in Melanesian Spearhead Group.